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What to Expect....

What we do....

All clients will receive tailored and individual treatment packages. Everyone is unique and in our experience taking a personal approach and building relationships is key to achieving long lasting, effective results.


How we do it....


Joint Mobilisation-

Joint Mobilisation is a passive movement technique applied to an injured area. It aims to decompress nerves, restore blood flow and relax surrounding tissue. This facilitates healing, relieves pain and enables normal functioning of the joint.


Positional Release Therapy (PRT)-

PRT is a form of manual therapy that aims to correct musculoskeletal and neurological imbalances. PRT works by addressing muscular imbalances, relaxing tight muscles and strengthening weak muscles, resulting in the correct alignment of the body.


Myofascial Release Technique (MRT)-

When you say that you have “muscle knots”, you are talking about myofascial trigger points. Myofascial Release is a specialised physical and manual therapy that involves applying gentle sustained pressure to these trigger points. This results in restoring motion and eliminating the restrictions that cause pain and discomfort.


Muscle Energy Technique (MET)-

MET are soft tissue manipulation methods that incorporate direct and controlled patient initiated contractions to improve muscular function and relieve pain. MET restores the normal tone of muscles, normalises joint range and improves flexibility.


Active Isolated Stretching (AIS)-

AIS is an effective, dynamic, facilitated method of lengthening muscles and releasing fascial tension of major muscle groups. It restores the physiological function of superficial and deep muscles, improving their function and reducing pain.


Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)-

PNF is a form of stretching that enhances motion, restores muscles to their normal function, optimises performance and aids recovery.


Anmo massage-

A remedial massage that manipulates the soft tissue-facilitating tissue regeneration, growth and repair in order to effectively restore tissue function and reduce pain.



Acupuncture is the insertion of fine, single-use high grade needles at specific points on the body to reduce pain or induce anesthesia.


Myofascial Decompression (MFD) /Cupping-

MFD also commonly known as cupping, is the application of glass vacuum cups to the surface of the skin. The suction created by the cups encourages blood circulation – stimulates oxygenation and detoxification, stretches muscle and fascia tissue, reduces scar tissue and promotes healing. As opposed to massage, cupping lifts up and separates the layers of muscle and fascia rather than compressing them together.


Victoria Beckham, Gweneth Paltrow, Lady Gaga, Chris Martin and even tennis ace- Andy Murray and Boxer Amir Kahn are all known to utilise the benefits of MFD.


Electrical Muscle Stimulation-

Electronic muscle stimulation is used to facilitate the strengthening of weak muscles, relieve muscle contractions, return them to their normal function and reducing pain.


What we don't do....


At BodyWorkSolutions we DON’T perform joint manipulation (cracking). By correcting muscular imbalances we aim to return the joints to their normal function, reducing symptoms of pain and managing your condition for the long term.

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