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Unfortunately pain is not always the first indication that something is wrong, but often when it has reached an advanced stage. Over time musculoskeletal imbalances and adaptations, a result of poor posture, incorrect working practice or overtraining for example, can lead to excessive pressure and uneven load bearing on the joints resulting in pain. At BodyWorkSolutions we aim to address the underlying cause of your pain, correcting any muscle imbalances and restoring normal muscle and joint function.



At BodyWorkSolutions we believe prevention is better than cure! Once we are satisfied that we have corrected any underlying cause, we don’t want your good work to go to waste. Regular treatments can help to maintain the way you feel and sustain the progress you have made, lessening the likelihood of your pain returning. Rather than waiting until a condition flares up, we can proactively assess and manage a problem before it develops.


You don’t have to be in pain to benefit from treatment!

Whether amateur or professional, our tailored treatments can enhance your sporting performance by enabling quicker recovery, providing you with the ability to train harder and reduce your chances of becoming injured.


At BodyWorkSolutions we are committed to getting you back to health and resuming normal life as quickly as possible. We strive to be the best and feel we offer the best solution to your needs.


At BodyWorkSolutions we take a three staged approach to treatment.


Relieve– we reduce pain and relieve symptoms

Correct– we address underlying issues that have resulted in pain

Maintain– we support our clients to maintain optimum health and fitness



At BodyWorkSolutions our primary aim is to relieve your pain. We believe that adopting a multi-disciplined approach to treatment will offer you the best and quickest solution to resolving your discomfort.



Our Approach

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